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Environment Pollution

Wastewater Testing

Wastewater, originating from various sources such as industrial processes, healthcare facilities, and residential areas, requires careful examination to ensure it is safe to be discharged into the environment. Wastewater testing involves the analysis of the wastewater's various properties to assess its quality, composition, and potential environmental impact. Testing includes assessing its chemical composition, suspended solids, pH levels, biological content, and the presence of contaminants.

Wastewater testing can validate the efficiency of the water treatment methods by monitoring the parameters before and after treatment. This ensures compliance with stringent environmental regulations set by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Adherence to these standards will not only avoid legal repercussions, it will also prevent environmental pollution. This analysis is also one of the requirements in securing a discharge permit from the DENR.

List of Parameters


Total and Fecal Coliform


Ammonia As NH3-N | Arsenic | Barium | Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) | Cadmium | Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) | Chloride | Color (True) | Color (Apparent) | Copper | Copper As Dissolved Copper | Fluoride | Iron | Lead | Manganese | Mercury | Nitrate As NO3-N | Oil And Grease | Ph | Selenium | Sulfate | Total Suspended Solids | Zinc

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