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Glasses of Water

Potable Water Testing

Evaluating the water's drinking quality involves more than just visually examination.  In fact, it requires a comprehensive analysis of water samples, covering microbiological aspects, such as coliform and E. coli, as well as analyzing the physical and chemical properties of water. This is to identify and quantify the presence of various substances such as minerals, dissolved solids, metals, organic compounds, and other contaminants. These analyses are essential in identifying potential health hazards and determining the appropriate treatment methods to purify the water. 


Test results are then benchmarked against the water quality standards outlined in the PNSDW (Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water) of 2017, ensuring strict regulatory compliance with the Department of Health (DOH). Note that a laboratory analysis for drinking water is also one of the requirements in securing a sanitary permit from your LGU.

List of Parameters


Total and Fecal Coliform | Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) | E-Coli



Aluminum | Arsenic | Barium | Cadmium | Calcium | Chloride | Chromium | Color (Apparent) | Color (True) | Copper | Disinfectant Residual | Fluoride | Iron | Lead | Manganese | Mercury | Nitrate | Odor | Ph | Selenium | Sodium | Sulfate | Taste | Total Dissolved Solids | Total Hardness | Total Suspended Solids | Turbidity | Zinc

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